Education, leadership, skills

Never give up

Butterflies are my favorite and the reason is just beyond their beauty and colors.

When you thought the world is about to close over you, it just began and life was more beautiful than ever again.

As a preschool teacher, we have been teaching the famous story of The Hungry Caterpillar for ages every year to every batch.

For those who haven’t got a chance to read this story, The gist of the story is that a tiny caterpillar is born and he starts eating a lot of food over the days which finally starts hurting his stomach being too full and when he is about to give up, he finds himself tightly bundled in his own cocoon, exhausted with pain and efforts, but he gives it a one more try and out comes a big beautiful butterfly with colorful wings flying high in the sky.

Now when we teach this story to the little learners, we have our objectives mostly defined as the child would be able to learn name of the days, numbers, counting, colors and objects etc. and if we wish to add some value education to it we would say the child will be able to learn the importance of healthy food.

But there is deeper meaning to it that I derive , butterfly’s life cycle teaches us an important lesson of life specially to the learning leaders.

A butterfly starts it’s life as a tiny caterpillar who’s only objective is to eat and eat more until it becomes full and then the same food starts hurting it so much, the caterpillar starts building a wall around it in form of cocoon as he feels it’s the end of the world, he is totally cut off from the word for days and just when he cannot bear it anymore, the cocoon starts to break and out comes a beautiful butterfly.

Had that caterpillar has given up to those walls, to the loneliness, to the pain and pressure of growing inside a limited space, he would have never seen the world and the world would have missed a marvel of nature.

So my dear friends,

Be like a butterfly, because just when we feel that the pressure, pain and agony of the world will crush us down, the beautiful dawn and a bright Sun awaits us with a beautiful beginning..

Never give up!

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3 thoughts on “Never give up”

  1. truly inspirational story which tells the bitter truth about life.Nothing in this cut-throat competitive world comes easy….


  2. “Never give up” is a story which invites us to struggle continuously till things becomes favourable. Means life needs a set of processes to be completed.


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