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Be like a lion! Choose your battles wisely!

Be a lion! Choose your battles carefully!

Flies don’t spare anyone. These flies even try to trouble the king of the jungle especially when it is resting. Just imagine that if lion decides to teach lesson to these troublesome flies by catching and killing them. Lion will have to forget that it is the king of the jungle and , when it decides to run after them, catch them and kill them. But lion is just not bothered about them. Once in a while,it will lift its tail, swing it to make flies fly and and then just before get they come again gives a strong swish again. It is hardly bothered about the flies. Even if a lion decides to fight with these flies, mostly the flies are near its tail and it would not be able to catch the flies, because it will keep running in circles, round and round, reach nowhere and finally collapse out of frustration.

In our lives, there are many ignorant things and small problems (flies of our lives) happening around and they are bothering us. Quite often we fall in to the trap of chasing these flies around and decide to eradicate them at once, we forget our life goals and instead waste our time and energy on them. In the end, we miss our true goals and reach nowhere because we were trying to teach those flies a lesson and wasted our entire energy while in doing so hence it’s been said …..

Choose your battles wisely !

Use your energy where it is required for example a lion only uses it’s energy to catch its pray or to settle down it’s territory. It might fight a full fledged battle to impress or earn the interest of a lioness but never so it wastes its energy on the flies though they certainly trouble it when its taking some rest after a long and eventful day.

We can translate it in our life by choosing where our focus should be, it should be your earnings, income source to feed you and your family. Secondly your territory means- your existence or or your self worth-how people know you and finally, the loved ones in your family. Rest all are just the flies. Give them a swish here and there but don’t battle against them.

Another important thing to notice is that flies bother the lion only when its dormant. But, when the lion is it in motion and running, no animal, small or big, comes anywhere close. so remain fully active and focused on your goals and the small problems will stop troubling you.

What you choose to focus on will grow!

Be it problems or solutions or the journey towards your goals!

What you choose to focus on will grow!
Be it problems or solutions or the journey towards your goals!

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