A tale to tell

My life has, all taught me, not to give up on my dreams no matter what comes through.

Better late than never!

Here are the articles which doesn’t fall in professional category and rather is a story of what goes around in my life and is of as much importance as my professional journey.

Folktales 3

“जो करना है स्वयं करो, दूसरों के भरोसे मत रहो।”

Folktales-The Deaf Frog

Folktales 2

यदि सफलता पानी है तो गूंगे बहरे हो जाओ।

folktales -swans and crow


Hindi folktales

“बेकदारांदी दोस्ती, तू क्यों लाई हँस।”

A tale to tell

A tale to tell…

My first post

How this lock-down has helped me follow my longed passion of years….

The Journey Begins

My first post

My first post online, my first website, a dream of years getting fulfilled ..

Let’s get connected!