Leadership Logs

This page discusses about the leadership framework and the skill set that makes a leader stand out and differentiates the leader from a boss or a manager.

Leadership is not about titles, positions or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another.

-John Maxwell

Let your child struggle a little

Leadership skills

Protecting the child , from all the big and small hardships, is the the first parental instinct and the greatest moral struggle of our time.

We are a generation of parents, who don’t want our childhood to be replicated and want to avoid all the hurdles that pained us, in our childhood but, is it the right parenting? 

loving or liking

Loving or liking?

Leadership skills

Aren’t we all guilty of checking our profile/ post time and again, to see how many likes and comments we got?

Something to ponder upon is, how many of these Facebook Instagram friends noticed you when you didn’t post anything in last 3 years? 

10 steps to get success

Steps to Success

Leadership skills

In the times of Covid-19 when our plans have been disrupted by an unforeseen situation, we all need to uplift each other to keep our morale high. Here is a dose of motivation to all of us!



Leadership skills

Once the knowledge you possessed was a decisive factor in your success, with the ever changing world around us that factor has certainly changed what is it now?

Never give up!

Never Give up

Leadership skills

Life lessons come from small things around us. First and foremost skill for a leader is to have a never giving up attitude.

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