about me, Education, leadership, skills

Leading a meaningful and healthy life!

Leading a meaningful and happy life along with enjoying the success

No matter how we define success for ourselves be it happiness, prosperity, professional achievement, personal achievement,  A Leader certainly needs a medium to climb the steps to success, conquer it and enjoy that accomplishment and that medium is our body.

A leader needs to lead a happy, healthy and meaningful life in order to be a successful leader.We all know the journey to the step-stone of success is extremely difficult and demanding. A shout out to all the leaders to remind us all what we are leaving behind while struggling to achieve our goal and the ultimate success.

The secrets to lead a life that you have lived and not just survived are not hidden. In fact they are pretty simple and known to everyone. However, we often forget these secrets in the hush and rush of achieving superficial success. These secrets will change our world if we imbibe them in our life. The more we incorporate in our day to day life ,the more we come closer to meaningful and true success.

Choose as many as you can and see the outcome:

Love yourself!
  • Love! as it’s the most powerful emotion.
  • Smile!  It’s a free and all time available energy booster.
  • Eat Healthy! you will be happy if your stomach is happy.
  • Exercise! pump up your body and mind with as simple as 30 min. walk daily.
  • Yoga! heal your soul, mind and discover yourself each day.
  • A good sleep! makes you recharge for the day .
  • Avoid judging others! as it adds no positive value to you.
Be real
  • Be Real!  don’t try to be someone else, just to please.
  • Appreciate people, it promotes efficiency and a positive outlook towards all.
  • Practice empathy, you know you have been in those shoes.
  • Practice being respectful, you earn respect, when you give respect.
  • Dig deeper into things, analyze your abstract thoughts and mold them into a concrete idea .
  • Learn to forgive, no one is perfect.
  • Believe that you’re blessed, because you really are.
  • Be thankful, simple cause we got another day to live and of course have got much more than many others.
Yoga Exercise and Meditation
  • Learning something new regularly, as learnability is the only skill that will take you further.
  • Never be hopeless, Hope is the essence of living.
  • Watch your words, it’s a non reversible action.
  • Don’t hurt others with your words, you will realize after a few seconds you didn’t mean it.
  • Sleep in peace and wake in joy, you are ready for the challenges.
  • Eliminate jealousy, what’s the point? be better than  what you were yesterday.
  • Never criticize yourself, positive self talk invites positive things.
  • Don’t expect too much, you will ultimately get what you deserve .
  •  Manage your stress and you’ll fix almost everything.
  • If you respect your own boundaries, people will respect you.
  •  Be childlike and enjoy small moments.
  • Don’t wait for the last minute to get the work done.
  • When your body says stop, listen to it.

Be easy. You are the best!

You are the Best!
Education, leadership, school, skills

Let your child struggle a little!

Let your child struggle a little!

Protecting the child , from all the big and small hardships, is the the first parental instinct and the greatest moral struggle of our time. However, unless the situation is life-threatening, it’s often better to let your child navigate the problem on his/her own, struggle and fail at times. With children, shielding them from struggle builds a safety net around them — but your child won’t have that safety net when he/she goes into adulthood.

We are a generation of parents, who don’t want our childhood to be replicated and want to avoid all the hurdles that pained us, in our childhood but, remember it’s that struggle what made us today what we are. We don’t need to rescue our child if he/she is scared or nervous about a situation by sheltering the child from those situations or providing excessive reassurance.

Learning to handle difficult situations and making decisions is critical to lead the life. 

As I mentioned earlier too, Butterflies are my favorite, let me bring in a story of butterflies again.( Never give up)

Once, a man walking in his garden saw a cocoon of a butterfly hanging from a branch. Now every day that man started looking at him, and one day he noticed that a small hole has formed in that cocoon. That day he sat there and kept looking at him for hours. She saw that the butterfly is trying hard to get out of that shell, but even after trying for a long time, she could not get out of that hole, and then she became completely calm as if she had given up.

So the man decided that he would help the butterfly. He picked up a scissor and made the cocoon hole so big that the butterfly could easily get out. And this is what happened, the butterfly came out easily without any further struggle, but its body was swollen, and the wings were dry.

The man kept looking at the butterfly thinking that at any time he would start flying with his wings spread, but nothing like this happened. In contrast, the poor butterfly has never been able to fly and has to spend the rest of her life flailing around. Nature has made the process of release from the cocoon so difficult that by doing this, the liquid present in the butterfly’s body can reach into its wings and fly out of the hole.

Forcing our offspring to come out of small difficulties on their own is just like getting out of the butterfly’s cocoon, in fact sometimes struggle in our life is the thing that we really need. Without hard work and struggle, they can never become as strong as they are capable of becoming. Getting out of the cocoon in the form of these troubles will teach them something that will take care of the flight of their lives.

The goal is to teach your children to overcome obstacles and cope with situations  more independently. Letting younger children struggle through obstacles can teach them how to deal with a difficult person, how to stay calm when they’re being punished, or how to perform independent tasks.That is why it is important to see the difficult moments in life from a positive perspective.Your child will emerge stronger, develop better coping skills, and learn to make good decisions and accept the consequences of poor decisions.

Your hardest times often lead to greatest moments on your life. Keep going. Tough situations build strong people in the end.

Roy T. Bennett

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