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Are you an Night Owl?

Night Owl

If you have been struggling all your life to wake up early to start your day before the Sun rises but haven’t been able to successfully incorporate it quite yet!

Welcome to the club of Night Owls! you must have heard that, to be able to make most out of your day, to be successful, you must get up early and most probably you would have spent some years in your childhood growing up learning the poem…

Early to Bed and Early to rise!
Makes a man Healthy, wealthy and wise!

Well! it is certainly a debatable topic in todays era, when night shifts, collaboration and travel around the world has made night shifts a commoners life style . A lot of people has their favorite time to work as evening and night time.

Literature often romanticizes night owls. The fact that they keep unusual hours, and that they are most productive in the evenings or even at night can make them seem mysterious — both appealing and somewhat frightening.


A night owl, evening person or simply owl, is a person who tends to stay up until late at night, or the early hours of the morning. Night owls who are involuntarily unable to fall asleep for several hours after a normal time.

Characteristics of a Night Owl

Usually, people who are night owls stay awake past midnight, and extreme night owls may stay awake until just before or even after dawn. Night owls tend to feel most energetic just before they go to sleep at night.

Some night owls have a preference or habit for staying up late, or stay up to work the night shift. Night owls who work the day shift often have difficulties adapting to standard daytime working hours.

Night owls have often been blamed for unpunctuality or attitude problems. Employers, however, have begun to learn to increase productivity by respecting body clocks through flexible working hours.

Some research has found that night owls are more intelligent and creative and more likely to get high-paying jobs than larks. However, they lag behind larks in academic performance, and they tend to have unhealthier eating habits, as well as higher rates of smoking.

Some night owls, with great difficulty adopting normal sleeping and waking times may have delayed sleep-phase disorder. Morning light therapy may be helpful in shifting sleep rhythms for the night owl.

Given the high number of people who are naturally inclined to go to bed late and wake up late, it is essential to understand what impact their rhythms may have on their health, and why. In more general terms, research about individual body clocks and sleep-wake patterns can help us build a healthier and happier society.

What are the best habits in the night considering you are a Night Owl?

sleep routine
  1. Always brush your teeth before going to bed and if possible, take a shower.
  2. Read at least 10 pages of a book. If it’s not fiction, so much the better.
  3. Stretch before bed. This will relax your muscles and help you get a good night’s sleep.
  4. Always have a pen and notebook near your bed. Sometimes ideas that will change your life can come to mind at 2 AM.
  5. Have a glass of water before sleeping. If you don’t, at least do it first thing in the morning.
  6. Write down 3 things that you are truly grateful for. Keep a journal to track the progress of your day. Also write down your expenses.
  7. Choose the clothes that you will wear the next day.
  8. Pack your suitcase for work or study tomorrow. Make sure you are not missing anything important.
  9. Spend 10 minutes without thinking about anything.
  10. Inhale Exhale.

Changing perception towards Night owls

Researchers say “If, as a society, we could be more flexible about how we manage time, we could go a long way towards maximizing productivity and minimizing health risks,”

“If anything, it’s actually economically illiterate not to offer this as you have a whole host of people working way below their maximum potential, which morality aside is simply bad business,” the same person asserted.

And night owls do have their advantages, which researchers also acknowledge. One study from 1999 argues that “early to bed, early to rise will likely make you anything but wise,” finding that night owls score better on intelligence tests than morning larks.

As an educationalist and parent, I feel that we need to understand that for today’s generation of our children and students we need to understand and accept that Not being a morning lark is not a crime at all and night owls are still Wise owls!

With hopes to have a more positive perception towards night owls, and while this happens, let’s follow what our heart, body and soul says…

“Listen to the night as the night knows your truths, your stories, your aches, your dreams, your cravings, your forgotten memories, not so forgotten.”

Victoria Erickson

“I will always write.
I will capture nights all over the world
and bring them to you.”

Henry Rollins

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about me, Education, leadership, parenting, skills

An open letter to parents part-2

Foundation of raising a genius….

To see the truth,
to know the way,
I cast a spell in every way.
By the power of three
I conjure thee
To give thy truth unto me.

Dear parent,

We all have that one moment when we see a perfect child and a perfect parent, and all our self doubts over power us to think; what am I not doing right?

Just like me, you must have wondered what is that magic formula? what is that spell? which helps Parents in raising a genius child!

let me reveal the truth to you through an experienced , behold !

When Tiktok was taking last breaths in India before its ban, I saw a very interesting Tiktok video. The video was on effective upbringing of our little ones. The orator in the video emphasized on the fact that right from the childhood, we should inculcate in our child’s mind that “She/he is a genius and a god gifted child”.

Could parenting be that simple!

I found it an intriguing idea to try and was eager to see its consequences.

Earlier, I used to get angry easily and scold my child without taking a note of the surrounding people, thinking that he is not old enough to understand complexities of self respect. His usual reaction would be like, he would not talk for sometime and then after a while he will pretend to forget everything and would start talking normally. A real consequence was when he would try to lie around to save himself from similar incident. That shocked my nerves, I never expected my child to become a liar. I found myself guilty and wanted to find a perfect solution for this problem . I thought and thought that what a wonderful thing it will be if my child stop committing mistakes at all ,oh! my world would be perfect.

I decided to apply this formula, I started praising my child in front of other people for small yet good deeds, no matter, how least commendable they were? I started to make him feel that he is exceptionally good, sort of god gifted. I completely stopped scolding him in public and tried to make him understand, that what he did was wrong and why, but most importantly only when we two were present.

Few days went without much to notice then I could observed a drastic change, a visible winning attitude and a boy with effervescent self confidence could be seen. He started talking to me more than ever before. I was flabbergasted that a boy of this age has this many tales to tell in which he proved himself over his friends in classroom which he never shared with me. He was bubbling with self reliance and self confidence. He, in trying to get more praises from me, started doing most of the things himself. He started carrying things for me even if they are heavy or carry my mobile if I had my hands full. He, the same little boy who would do even a single thing after saying 5-6 times followed by scolding at least 2 times was doing the tasks in advance without being told and was even willing to help me out in dusting. I was speechless. He has became my adorable loving boy from a irritating boy.

I am continuing with practice of putting the beautiful thought in his mind that he is a boy with exceptional talent and awesome qualities which is a boon over others. I was overwhelmed by the astonishing results of this experiment. I believe this strategy can make the child conquer the unconquerable things. to the least, children are going to achieve much more than their usual capacity. I believe every parent will see positive results by using this strategy to make their children ultimate winners and successful happy citizens.

World famous writer Dale Carnegie has written in his book “How to win friends and influence people”

Happiness is followed by a cause and vice versa.

Dale Carnegie

. This means that if we keep ourselves happy, things which will cause more happiness will follow automatically. The same thing applies in case of children ‘s mindset also if we successfully become capable of inculcating the thought that our child is a genius and god gifted, the intelligence will surely follow and god gift talent will surely bestow on him.

Hence the magic spell to have genius child is as simple as that as telling him/her that you are genius and I believe in you!

Go ahead, cast the spell of positive words and see the magic unwinding yourself!


A teacher and a parent

Story credit : Pooja

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Education, leadership, school, skills

Let your child struggle a little!

Let your child struggle a little!

Protecting the child , from all the big and small hardships, is the the first parental instinct and the greatest moral struggle of our time. However, unless the situation is life-threatening, it’s often better to let your child navigate the problem on his/her own, struggle and fail at times. With children, shielding them from struggle builds a safety net around them — but your child won’t have that safety net when he/she goes into adulthood.

We are a generation of parents, who don’t want our childhood to be replicated and want to avoid all the hurdles that pained us, in our childhood but, remember it’s that struggle what made us today what we are. We don’t need to rescue our child if he/she is scared or nervous about a situation by sheltering the child from those situations or providing excessive reassurance.

Learning to handle difficult situations and making decisions is critical to lead the life. 

As I mentioned earlier too, Butterflies are my favorite, let me bring in a story of butterflies again.( Never give up)

Once, a man walking in his garden saw a cocoon of a butterfly hanging from a branch. Now every day that man started looking at him, and one day he noticed that a small hole has formed in that cocoon. That day he sat there and kept looking at him for hours. She saw that the butterfly is trying hard to get out of that shell, but even after trying for a long time, she could not get out of that hole, and then she became completely calm as if she had given up.

So the man decided that he would help the butterfly. He picked up a scissor and made the cocoon hole so big that the butterfly could easily get out. And this is what happened, the butterfly came out easily without any further struggle, but its body was swollen, and the wings were dry.

The man kept looking at the butterfly thinking that at any time he would start flying with his wings spread, but nothing like this happened. In contrast, the poor butterfly has never been able to fly and has to spend the rest of her life flailing around. Nature has made the process of release from the cocoon so difficult that by doing this, the liquid present in the butterfly’s body can reach into its wings and fly out of the hole.

Forcing our offspring to come out of small difficulties on their own is just like getting out of the butterfly’s cocoon, in fact sometimes struggle in our life is the thing that we really need. Without hard work and struggle, they can never become as strong as they are capable of becoming. Getting out of the cocoon in the form of these troubles will teach them something that will take care of the flight of their lives.

The goal is to teach your children to overcome obstacles and cope with situations  more independently. Letting younger children struggle through obstacles can teach them how to deal with a difficult person, how to stay calm when they’re being punished, or how to perform independent tasks.That is why it is important to see the difficult moments in life from a positive perspective.Your child will emerge stronger, develop better coping skills, and learn to make good decisions and accept the consequences of poor decisions.

Your hardest times often lead to greatest moments on your life. Keep going. Tough situations build strong people in the end.

Roy T. Bennett

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