Education, school, skills



Pedagogy is frequently used term in Education settings but at times, we use it without learning its context and meaning. let’s find out What is Pedagogy?

Pedagogy is an education-related word which is more frequently used in other languages such as French or German. Etymology and definition of the word pedagogy (from the OED): “ adopted from French pédagogie (Calvin 16th century), adaptation from Greek παιδαγωγία office of a παιδαγωγός: see pedagogue. So modern German pädagogie. “

Pedagogy is “The function, profession, or practice of a pedagogue [ a man whose occupation is the instruction of children or youths; a schoolmaster, teacher, preceptor. Now usually in a more or less contemptuous sense, with implication of pedantry, dogmatism, or severity; the work or occupation of teaching; the art or science of teaching, pedagogics. “

Moreover, pedagogy “refers to the art and profession of teaching. It stands for how a teacher teaches, the methodology one uses as a teacher, and the style of teaching a teacher chooses. It also refers to the preparatory training or instruction would-be teachers acquire in teacher education programs.”

(from the Greenwood Dictionary of Education, 2nd edition)

In ancient Greece the person who was given the task of educating the children was known as a ‘Pedagogue’. The word pedagogy is related to this being the method of teaching used by a pedagogue. Thought to be ‘over formal, pedantic, and dull’…

Pedagogy (etymology and pronunciation) is the discipline that offers the theory to follow in schooling of children. The instruction of adults, however, is also referred to as Andragogy.

Relation between Learning and its 3 major component: Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment

Pedagogy in education simply means giving the practical knowledge rather than theoretical knowledge which can be through any means such as cultural, social, spiritual, and ethics.

It is just like a doctor understand the physiology and treat humans. Just like a software engineer learns programming. It is as important as air for a teacher to impart knowledge. Without understanding pedagogy, a teacher will not be a competent & professional educator.

The position of teacher is normally formal and ongoing, carried out at a institution or different location of formal schooling. A individual who wishes to emerge as a instructor needs to first obtain special official skills or credentials from a university or college. These legit qualifications may just comprise the traning of pedagogy, the science of educating. Academics, like different specialists, should/ must continue their education after they qualify, a method referred to as continuing authentic progress. Teachers may use a lesson plan to facilitate pupil learning, offering a path to learn which is known as the curriculum. Assessment is the next step which evaluates the effectiveness and guides the path of learning.

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Education, school, skills

An open letter to parents-1

Dear parents,

The school has come to your home, but learning doesn’t have to limit itself to sitting in front of computer/laptops or mobile phones.

Lock down has brought in a new definition to Schooling and learning at home. While schools have come to home in order to ensure that your child doesn’t miss on anything in academics.

A school offers so much more than mere core subject teaching. Your child is inspired and motivated to be creative in writing, public speaking, presentation, games, sports, leadership, and whatnot?

As school is a place for holistic education.How do we compensate while being at home, learning of core subjects continues via online video apps such as zoom, teams etc., yet Parents need to ensure that their child’s creativity keeps flourishing.

Encourage your child to read more, write more and let them write from heart!

Their writings don’t have to be structured or perfect but it should be meaningful to them. You will be surprised by their work , what they produce with little bit of freedom.

Here is one example of how your child can express herself .

More in upcoming letters!


A teacher and parent !

Learning in Lock-down

By: Khushi Verma

She is a Grade 8 student,

and is exploring her writing skills .

Here are her thoughts on learning as a poem.

We learn different things everyday ,
From Alphabets to Engineering ,
We learn how to use things from pencil to hammer,
We learn a new thing everyday,

By learning people start to invent new stuff ,
By the new stuff people from all over the world learn ,
And we would be well known as ,
Isaac Newton who found Gravity ,
Charles Babbage who made the first computer,

Some people learn how to help people learn ,
Some people learn and understand how to construct ,
People like me learn how to learn to play sports like badminton ,
All people in the world in the world learn everything of their choice ,

By learning we are able to choose what our dream is ,
If our ancestors didn’t start learning,
we would not be this much intelligent ,
Learning new things is amusing ,
And it is very important .

Learning at home has to be creative in all aspects.

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Approaches to Schooling:

Approaches in schooling,

What can be inculcated,

once the schools reopen?

As the pandemic Covid 19 has given us all the reasons to pause from running the hamster’s wheel and ponder upon what can we improvise upon in our education system? The National Education Policy 2020 has come at the right time, where the schooling approaches can be put in place slowly as we move into the New normal schooling and education in India. Its the time, we can rethink on our teaching methodology, techniques, classrooms management and overall schooling approaches. Changes which begin at small scale and transit through the system are adapted well.

Early childhood Education is being provided through multiple approaches around the world. It might not be practical to shift the whole pedagogy to a different one in Indian Formal schooling system, its definitely viable to pick up best practices from each one, induce one by one in our present pedagogy, not bringing drastic changes but slowly moving towards the improvement.

Here, I will discuss in brief the approaches and philosophies to schooling around the world used in Early childhood Education along with their prominent features.

Preschool Philosophies

  • Montessori 
  • Waldorf 
  • Reggio Emilia
  • High School 
  • Bank Street
  • Creative Curriculum
  • Kindergarten


This approach, developed by Maria Montessori in Rome in the early 1900s, is child-centered, with teachers serving as guides. In the Montessori school, play is a child’s work. While there is a focus on academics, the distinguishing feature is that children learn at their own pace. There are special Montessori toys called manipulative that are self-corrective.

Features of Montessori

  • Learning takes place at its own pace
  • Don’t organise the room to specific age
  • Children learn by example
  • Same teacher for all preschool years
  • Mixed age aspect
  • how children learn to work quietly and independently at a task.


If you find a Waldorf school, you can trust that it is true to the Waldorf philosophy, since each school and all of its teachers must be Waldorf certified. This play-based approach is characterized by a predictable structure, providing children with a dependable routine, such as certain days of the week for set activities like baking or gardening, as well as mixed-age classrooms with the same teacher for multiple years.

Features of Waldorf

  • “There is an emphasis on creative learning, reading, singing, acting … It’s great for kids who want that predictability.
  • Home Like Setting-warm and Friendly
  • Natural and Wooden toys
  •  Against traditional grading systems and exclusion of media in the curriculum
  • Does not involve academics 

Reggio Emilia

There are many Reggio Emilia-inspired schools based on the approach developed in the 1940s in the town of Reggio Emilia in northern Italy. After World War II, the community, along with schoolteacher Loris Malaguzzi, came together to develop schools that would help children become better citizens. “The overall philosophy is that kids are really encouraged to explore. The teachers are there to help them explore,”

Features of Reggio

  • Project based approach and curriculum
  • Find it out together approach
  • Child oriented but teacher framed
  • Documentation is an important part
  • Taking photos, making  videos and writing observations

Other Approaches:

There are these few approaches which are popular in certain areas and are a proportionate mix of academic and non academic approaches as well as some features from above. They were introduced to cater different people at different times.

  • High scope – community based program
  • Bank street- Play based learning 
  • Creative curriculum- written formal learning programs by for profit organisations

As, a school teacher or leader we may choose, what fits in our need or circumstances, but its always good to know what does exist in our field around the world.

Education, leadership, school

National Education Policy 2020






:Key points

Indian Union Cabinet approved the National Education Policy 2020, on Wednesday 29 July 2020, paving way for transformation reforms in school and higher education sector in the country after a long spell of 34 years. The draft of the NEP was panel headed by former Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) chief Kasturirangan and it was submitted to the Union Human Resource Development Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal when he took charge last year. The new NEP replaces the one formulated in 1986.

The new National Education Policy is set to usher in a slew of changes, ranging from reduction in school curriculum to discontinuation of M Phil and so much more. It aims to create an education system that contributes directly to transforming the country, providing high-quality education to all, and making India a global knowledge superpower.

What all we need to know at this stage, as an Educator or school leader in India?

School Education

  1. Foundational Stage (age 3-8 years): learning based on play and active discovery
  2. Preparatory Stage (8-11 years): Building on play and discovery; begin the transition to structured learning
  3. Middle Stage (11-14 years): Learning concepts in subjects; begin navigating to adolescence
  4. Secondary Stage (14-18 years): Preparing for livelihood and higher education; transition to young adulthood.

In this reformed pattern:

  • 3 years of Preschool and rest of the 12 years to maintain continuity in schooling
  • Learning will be in the form of discovery method and experiential learning till Grade 5.
  • Up to grade 5, regional language or mother tongue may be used as a medium of instruction.
  • Subject Introduction and Exploration will be introduced from Grade 6th to 8th
  • Secondary Stage will comprise four years of multidisciplinary study and will build subject depth, critical thinking, attention to life aspirations with flexibility for student to choose for example one may opt for Bakery with Math.
  • Preschool Education will be universalized.
  • A proper curriculum will be made by NCERT (National Council of Educational Research and Training) for Preschool education and teachers will be provided regulated training.
  • School curriculum to be reduced to core concepts and there will integration of vocational education from class 6, under new National Education Policy.
  • The new policy seeks to expand access to higher education for 50% of high school students by 2035, and achieve universal adult literacy before that date.
  • The Policy aims to ensure that every student in Grade 5 and beyond must achieve foundational literacy and numeracy .
  • Teacher to be facilitator- capacity building, a robust curricular framework, learning material – both online and offline, learning outcomes and their measurement indices, assessment techniques, tracking of learning progress, etc. will be designed.
  • Coding will be introduced right from the 6th Grade.
  • Technology will be extensively used for delivering the curriculum.
  • There will not be rigid separation between streams such as Arts, Science, music etc. Curricular and Co- curricular will be taught in the same manner
  • There will be reduction in syllabus because of this it will be easier to focus on the Core Concepts.
  • Students will have 10 bag less days in a year from grade 6th on wards which will be like a mini internship and will be considered part of assessment.
  • Traditional report cards with only 2 dimensions like marks, attendance will be changed to a holistic assessment including:
    • Self Assessment- To increase self awareness and make the students more accountable.
    • Peer Assessment- To imbibe a sense of social obligation and belonging.
    • Teacher Assessment- As it has been done traditionally.
    • The overall assessment will be done with help of Artificial Intelligence which will be a blueprint of child’s learning journey of the all schooling years.

Higher Education

  • If one wishes to drop out and then continue again after a fixed time. An academic credit will be given for every course Taking a break after completing one year then resuming is acceptable under this policy.
  • Like schools, colleges will be multidisciplinary & one can take up subjects of choice along with their majors without losing academic credibility .
  • Common norms to be in place for private and public higher education institutions under Central government’s new Education Policy. “As on date, we have different norms for deemed universities, central universities, for different individual standalone institutions. New Education Policy says that for reasons of quality, norms will be same for all and not as per ownership,” said Amit Khare, Higher Education Secretary.
    • UG Program – 3-4 years
    • PG Program – 1-2 years
    • Integrated Bachelor’s + Master’s – 5 years
    • M Phill discontinued
  • All higher education institutions, except legal and medical colleges, to be governed by single regulator.
  • Common entrance exams to be held for admission to universities and higher education institutions, as per Center’s new Education Policy.

The NEP 2020 aims to increase public spending on education to nearly 6% of gross domestic product from around 4% now, while also capping fees charged by educational institutions.

The National Education Policy provides a broad direction and is not mandatory to follow. Since education is a concurrent subject (both the Center and the state governments can make laws on it), the reforms proposed can only be implemented collaboratively by the Center and the states. This will not happen immediately. The incumbent government has set a target of 2040 to implement the entire policy. Sufficient funding is also crucial; as we have seen in the past that 1968 NEP was hamstrung by a shortage of funds.

All in all its definitely a positive change and we all have to wish for a fast and effective implementation.

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